Our zoo

Monday, February 26, 2007

Let's Rodeo

Susan and I got the pleasure of being invited to help out bringing the Rainbow House group to the San Antonio Livestock Show and Rodeo. The pics were taken for a promo by AT&T . They are Susan and her brother David, and me and my compadre Michael. We got to check out some livestock, had some grub ( oh, and I bought some sugar free peanut brittle!) and then went to see the show. First up was Extreme Bullriding. Talk about a concert atmosphere. There was fire, lasers, explosions, and smoke(those were just the nachos we ate,lol).Actually it was a pretty awesome show and all the residents were having a blast. David was hollering everytime something loud happened and Michael was all smiles. It does these people good to get out and have a day like this and I was glad to be a part of it. After the bull riding event, we got to see the first part of the concert from some Canadian country group, but we didn't finish watching the show because some of the guys and gals were getting tired. Michael was dozing off, so we knew they had had enough excitement for the day. It is really awesome how everything worked out to get these 12 people into an event with little problems.it made it so much more enjoyable for all who participated.
Susan's birthday is the 27th, which will make her the big 5-0! We are going to Lake Charles to check out the new Casino and have a nice dinner. After that we will go check out our Livestock Show on Thursday and have V.I.P. tickets to see some lady called Reba. I'd prefer Ted Nugent, but he don't rodeo,lol. Hey, the tickets were free, so why not!
Other than that, ol challenge number 9 is stumbling along. I have had a lot of obstacles this go around like overtime, no time, ran out of time,lol but I'm still plugging along. Luckily, no weight gain.
Hope everyone is doing well.
Have a great week!

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Happy Valentine's Day

Hope everyone is getting what they were hoping for, a box of chocolates, a dozen roses, a take out gourmet dinner served at home :).
Love is in the air!
Just wanted to let those of you who are interested know that I put up another design on the Stonehead site. Take a gander and tell me what you think.
All is well here, except another bobble this week in my workout routine. Here I go and cut back to only cardio on the days I work(12 hour shifts) so it gives me time to do other things and can't even get that in. Oh well, progress is what I seek, perfection is what I aim for!
Later taters!

Friday, February 09, 2007

Finally, pics again

I think the pic thing is working because I accidentally did the new blogger thing. So here is a pic that I was trying to post that I couldn't get to post the other day.
So here are the new comers to farm. Tasty looking aren't they?


Thursday, February 01, 2007

Catching up

Again, it's been a while since I have blogged. Work has been crazy. We had a fire at the refinery Sunday and it knocked out half the refinery as far as production goes. It will be 3 to 6 weeks before we get 2 of the crude units and the cat cracker up.Luckily no one was hurt. I'm working more overtime than usual due to all of the people coming down with the flu. I had to work 16 hours Monday, got home at 6am Tuesday, got up at 10am for a dentist appointment, go to work from 1 pm to 5 pm and finally got some good sleep after that.
My 9th challenge or living large lifestyle or whatever I call it was going good until I hit this week (week 5). I haven't worked out at all because of the overtime, the denatal appointments and yesterday was my yearly physical so I had to fast, and I didn't finish with that until almost 2 p.m. I hope to resume it starting Monday!
Today after Susan gets off work we are headed to Reliant Stadium for the car show. She's interested in the Jeep Cherokee as it is coming out with a diesel engine this month. Hmmm ... I wonder if she'll let me convert it to veggie oil,lol.
I will also get to see the Shelby Mustang and possibly sit in the car of Tom's dreams. I'll have to go read his blog though to see which Mustang that is,lol. After the car show we are driving to San Antonio to bring Susan's brother to a Dr's appointment tomorrow. Then it's back to work Sat. and Sun. on days.
Well that's about it for me.
But wait there's more....if you look at the top of My Favorites there is a new place called Heads T-Shirts. I am toying around with the idea of putting my ideas and art unto a line of shirts. The one I have posted is the first attempt and I have a few more on the way. Tell me what you guys think! And wait, if you buy one I'll throw another one in for free,lol... no not really, just would like a few opinions of what you think.
Thanks y'all and have a great week.
And remember.... everybody must get stoned.... hmmmm another idea!