Our zoo

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Our Sea World Adventure

Sorry this post took awhile to get posted. Due to some technical difficulties on my part I had this on the back burner. This event is called All Ski that is put on at Sea World San Antonio for head injury people and handicapped people that otherwise wouldn't be able to ski. It is a 2 day event and it is awesome. Just to see the smile on all the people's faces is priceless. It is something I will always look forward to going to and hope to get more involved with helping out next year. There are several small clips of David (my brother in law) skiing. The last clip is of a gentleman named David Dodson. Our David suffers from the effects of two seperate head traumas that have caused him to be dependent upon continual care. The other David had a head trauma 5 years ago that caused blindness and some memory issues. He lives at home with his awesome wife and they recently had a bouncing baby boy. Even though I'm not a fan of The United Way, there are other charities and ways you can donate your money or time to these special places or people that put on events like this. It's great to see David and the others have this good of a time.
Thank you Rainbow House, thank you Sea World and mostly thank you for the people who volunteer their time.

Tuesday, October 02, 2007


Hey guys, long time again since a post. We did an upgrade on the i-video but it was me unfriendly. We had another session with the geniuses at the Apple store for our weekly tutoring and learned a lot. I'm using the first format for doing this again but he also showed me some other neat little tricks. Hope the audio is tons better.Thanks Mr.Genius!
Anyway as of last night, we released the little guy(actually a female) and she flew up to the palm trees in the back yard. Susan got some food in her and cleaned up her wing so hopefully she'll be alright.
I will try to get the video working on our trip to San Antonio showing our outing at Sea World and the water ski park set up so the residents at Rainbow house can ski. It was great fun to see all of them have such an awesome day.
Getting ready to start another challenge, so that should be interesting.
Just turned 275000 miles on my truck which means I have put 40,000 miles on it since converting it to burning veggie oil.
Other than that, all else is well in Zooland.
Hey Jonnae, love you and stay strong! I need a good vet in a few years.