Our zoo

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Emergency animal post

I know, here I go and post twice in one day after not posting at all for several weeks. Well, only in Texas! Our friends who live down the street from us ( 15 miles away but it's the same street) were looking at a house being built in their neighborhood. As they were walking through it they found this little critter. They couldn't find mama nowhere around so they called us since we have the mini cows and have had to hand raise one. Since Max and Barbara have deer in their area, Susan asked Barbara is she thought it might be a deer. Barbara told Susan she wasn't stupid, she knew the difference between a calf and a deer (our mini cows look like baby deer when they are born and weigh only 20 lbs, so it was a semi sorta serious question). Anyway they loaded him up and brought him over. It was on the way over (I think) that Max and Barbara figured out this wasn't a cow calf, it is a buffalo calf! Well we got a bottle prepared when he got here and tried to get him fed (the calf, not Max,lol). We made a little bedding out of hay and got the fan out to cool him down. I'm sure the little fellar was stressed but he laid down and started to calm down. Max started to call around to the neighbors and found out the calf comes from Gary Walkers' herd(ex Oiler and Texans football player) who lives down the street from Max and Barbara ( about a quarter of a mile down the road). So about an hour later Max and Barbara came back to get the little guy, loaded him up in the back seat of Max's pickup and brought him back to his real home. They said the little guy ran right up to his mama and tried to nurse, but she led them away from the herd and settled into their own little area. Max and Barbara came back for dinner and said mama and calf were still doing find. Wow, and to think I posted twice today.... only in Texas,lol.


  • At 2:15 PM, Blogger KatieFeldmom said…

    YAY for finding the mommy!!!

    Love the pictures and how cool that you got to meet another Blend!!!

  • At 5:12 PM, Blogger Irene said…

    Awwwww... Glad the story had a happy ending!

  • At 10:50 AM, Blogger Pamela said…

    niiice about the story! & YAY for having a Meetup & PICS too boot! YAY Troy!

  • At 2:52 PM, Blogger FV Tom said…

    Hey there. Just getting caught up with your stuff. Lots going on. Great pics of the kids and the meet up.

    Thanks for sharing.

  • At 9:03 AM, Blogger carolakabb said…


  • At 8:09 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hey!!! Where have you been??? :)


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