More week 1 vs. week 12 comparisons
Week 1 no twins.
Week 12: a set of twins and a handful. My cup runneth over. Actually her cups both runneth over, lol. Life is good!
I finished week 12 today with Quads and Hamstrings, This was an 8 day cycle so every week was different, which made it interesting. So here are some more weight comparisons.
Quads and Hammies:
week 1 hack squat barbell warmups:80 t0 130 lbs 4 sets
week 12 hack squat bb warmups: 110 t0 140 lbs
week 1 hack squats bb: 160 lbs 4 sets
week 12 hack squatsbb: 180 lbs 4 sets
week 1 leg extensions machine: 170 lbs 3 sets
week 12 185 lbs 3 sets
week 1 bb power cleans: 90 lbs 3 sets
week 12: 115 lbs 3 sets
week 1 1 leg curls: 55 lbs 4 sets
week 12 67.5 lbs
week 1 Romanian dead lifts bb: 130 lbs 4 sets
week 12 150 lbs
Shoulders and Triceps:
week 1 warm up shoulder press, machine: 50 - 80 lbs 4 sets
week 12 warm up: 80 -110 lbs
week 1 shoulder press: 110 lbs 3 sets
week 12 140 lbs
week 1 upright rows machine: 80 lbs 3 sets
week 12 95 lbs
week 1 front raises machine: 32.5 3 sets
week 12 50 lbs
week 1 rear raises machine:27.5 lbs 3 sets
week 12 37.5 lbs
week 1 tricep pushdown machine: 65 lbs 3 sets
week 12 80 lbs
week 1 tricep overhead extension machine: 60 lbs 3 sets
week 12 80 lbs.
I ended the routine with dumbbell overhead extensions, 60 lbs to failure which was 15 reps the last time.
In the mix was 2 to 3 times a week, ab boot camp and some cardio. I'll show the calf routine and plyometrics routine tomorrow. Even though I don't think I look any different, I feel better and stronger after Jim's suggested routine. I will continue with this but will change it up a tad( if it's alright with the master,lol) and post the routine soon, which I plan to start on Monday.
You guys have a great w/e!
Week 12: a set of twins and a handful. My cup runneth over. Actually her cups both runneth over, lol. Life is good!
I finished week 12 today with Quads and Hamstrings, This was an 8 day cycle so every week was different, which made it interesting. So here are some more weight comparisons.
Quads and Hammies:
week 1 hack squat barbell warmups:80 t0 130 lbs 4 sets
week 12 hack squat bb warmups: 110 t0 140 lbs
week 1 hack squats bb: 160 lbs 4 sets
week 12 hack squatsbb: 180 lbs 4 sets
week 1 leg extensions machine: 170 lbs 3 sets
week 12 185 lbs 3 sets
week 1 bb power cleans: 90 lbs 3 sets
week 12: 115 lbs 3 sets
week 1 1 leg curls: 55 lbs 4 sets
week 12 67.5 lbs
week 1 Romanian dead lifts bb: 130 lbs 4 sets
week 12 150 lbs
Shoulders and Triceps:
week 1 warm up shoulder press, machine: 50 - 80 lbs 4 sets
week 12 warm up: 80 -110 lbs
week 1 shoulder press: 110 lbs 3 sets
week 12 140 lbs
week 1 upright rows machine: 80 lbs 3 sets
week 12 95 lbs
week 1 front raises machine: 32.5 3 sets
week 12 50 lbs
week 1 rear raises machine:27.5 lbs 3 sets
week 12 37.5 lbs
week 1 tricep pushdown machine: 65 lbs 3 sets
week 12 80 lbs
week 1 tricep overhead extension machine: 60 lbs 3 sets
week 12 80 lbs.
I ended the routine with dumbbell overhead extensions, 60 lbs to failure which was 15 reps the last time.
In the mix was 2 to 3 times a week, ab boot camp and some cardio. I'll show the calf routine and plyometrics routine tomorrow. Even though I don't think I look any different, I feel better and stronger after Jim's suggested routine. I will continue with this but will change it up a tad( if it's alright with the master,lol) and post the routine soon, which I plan to start on Monday.
You guys have a great w/e!
At 4:34 PM,
FV Tom said…
Dang, look at those weight increases! You must look like my governor used to look!
Good job, cowboy!
At 7:14 AM,
Hypertrophy said…
Troy, saw the pics at Tracker . Damn man, you definitely packed on some mass !!!!
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