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Monday, March 27, 2006

Challenge 6: Acorn to Oak

Week 1, Day 1:
Working nights, got home at 0600, woke at 12 noon.
Pre workout food: apple, banana, mixed nuts at 12:30.
Worked out at 1:30p. for 52 minutes.
The routine:
Warm up: bench press on the Elizabeth machine
10 reps 80 lbs
8 reps 80 lbs
5 reps 120 lbs
3 reps 130 lbs
The real deal: bench press
8,8,6,reps at 160 lbs, last 6 reps at 190 lbs(thats all the weight my machine has)
Incline bench:
8,6, reps at 140 lbs, last 6 reps at 150 lbs
Dumbbell pullovers:
10,10,8 reps at 60 lbs
The weight lifting lasted 32 minutes and I will move up next time as this was my first attempt at this per Jim's suggestion for muscle gain.
I finished the routine off with ab boot camp which took an additional 20 minutes.
The eating for the day was at 2539 cals and the ratio was 40/42/18 protein/carb/fat breakdown.
I thought the routine went well, but about 5 hours into work tonight I felt the effects, like a gorilla had sat on my chest. Wow, I am sore! Thanks Jim,lol.


  • At 5:40 AM, Blogger Hypertrophy said…

    Oh hell yes ... 5 hours and soreness already !!!

    Troy, you are going to hate me in a day or two .. lol.

  • At 8:26 AM, Blogger FV Tom said…

    Nice work, Troy. Keep this up and you, too, will be an OAK! Or a fallen oak! j/k.

    Good luck with the new program.


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