Our zoo

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Week 4, day 23. Camel Toe?

O.K., so I hear these two guys talking and the one says to the other, "check out her camel toe". Now she had a nice little package indeed, but I was thinking "dudes, you really seen a camel toe?" This sucker is as big as a dinner plate, you know the size we all ate off of pre BFL. Now if I was to be enjoying the view(which I don't, happily married thank you) this is something I don't think I would want to see on a lady with tight jeans!My gosh Hoss's foot is as big as my waist. Talking about falling in and it isn't even that pretty! How in the hell did someone correlate this with a woman's display? Heck, I've got llamas, and I observed their feet and I don't understand why when someone takes notice of a woman wearing the tight fitting jeans the comment isn't, "wow check out her llama toe!" The llama toe is ten times smaller and the spacing is a lot tighter and it doesn't seem to have a lot of things clinging to it like Hoss's does in that pic.Maybe there should be a push for renaming this little package. I mean I heard of the vagina called things like a bearded clam(need to get one of those for the fish tank so you guys could see),taco, sideways sloppy Joe, etc, and a least the visual in my mind can make the comparison. Camel Toe? Indeed ! I think I'll make a copy of this camel toe and keep it in my wallet so the next time I hear someone say "look she's got camel toe" I'll whip out my pic and say "dude would you put your Johnson in that?"
Anyway today was cardio and I guess after the let down yesterday and not caving in for a cheeseburger I beat my previous best!
572 cals for the 30 minutes versus last Sat. 557 cals.Burn baby burn!
Foods on plan so far, and the usual except for dinner tonight it will be cod. Which reminds me of another saying, that we luckily no longer use. When us guys at work would be challenging each other about knowledge or what not, one of the things we did to each other is grab ourselves and say "cuddle my cods", and if you've seen cod, again there is nothing to compare it with to what's on a man's body. Where to these sayings come from? I think I need to go carve or look at llamas, sheesh!


  • At 8:12 AM, Blogger Erin said…

    you are TOO funny! ROFL!... llama toe!?!??!

  • At 11:14 AM, Blogger FV Tom said…

    Geez, Troy, I had to look at camel toe all day yesterday, I come back today and it's still there!

    Hope all is well with you and Susan and the menagerie.

  • At 4:01 AM, Blogger Alex Trenoweth said…


    I taught my little girl the term "fairy" for our private bits. Fortunately for us Brits, the term "camel toe" hasn't caught on. I'm assuming cod refers to cod piece--but I have no idea where that came from. The smell of sweaty, unwashed testicles?? ewwwwwwwwwww.

    By the way Troy, most Americans think I'm British but absolutely no Brit think I'm British. Hopes this clears up the accent confusion . . .;)


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