Our zoo

Sunday, December 04, 2005

Tis it the Season Yet!

With temps in the 80's here it's hard to get into the Christmas mood. Still mowing, weedeating and sweating your ass off while wearing cutoffs and tank tops just doesn't help. Anyway I've been hearing tales of snow and sleet and frozen pipes on the other blogs and can't even imagine what it is like. This picture was taken last year on Christmas day. I think it was the first time it snowed on Christmas day in 100 years. Yes Virginia , it does snow in South Texas. Anyway Susan took this picture when she went to check on the animals reaction to the white stuff. Our horse is Shoney, and the llamas are from left to right, Sierra, Pearll, Javier, Patches, and you can't see Dottie(the bitch) didn't know what to think of it lol. I'll profile each one of them later in Critter of the Week mini series. But right now I needed a little help to get in that mood lol.
Well when I ain't animal tending here's what else I do: exercise
The routine was yesterday and it was recumbant:
I burned 291 cals in 20 minutes, needing only 48 secs to hit that 300 cal mark!
In order to fuel that endeavor of almost epic proportions the feeding went like this:
4p smashed marinated chicken breast(done on the Forman lol) bfl fries, salad
7p ffcc and yogurt
10p sirloin steak, leftover bfl fries, salad
1a tuna steak and an apple
4a ffcc fiber one cereal mix
Well that was a short menu, but graveyards screws up my times of eating . Other than that I weighed and measured today and due to the lack of nothing really changing , I'll post results some other time. Everyone have a great w/e and blog at you later.


  • At 4:27 PM, Blogger Melanie said…

    What's smashed chicken???

  • At 11:16 AM, Blogger PartTimeMom said…

    Great picture - My horse used to be penned with a couple of Llammas the damn things would spit on her all the time.. it was, well, gross! Hope yours don't!

    word verification...aedumb

    Hey.. what did you call me? ;)


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